onsdag 7 mars 2012

Tila wheel earrings

First I want to point out that the idea was not originally mine, I saw a picture of similar on the net, but found no pattern so a just made them and it was a piece of cake.

You nead:
14 Tila beads
33 rocasill seed beads 2,7mm
Thread, I used fireline 0,3mm
2 earring hooks.

Cut the thread to about an arms length and bead on tila and rocasill beads as shown in the picture. Tila beads have to sides that look just slightly different, so make shore that you get the same side facing upwards. If your wheel isn't flat you should ad a tila and sead bead or subtract  until you get it flat.

pull the thread through a tila bead so that it forms a wheel. With the thread that goes left pas through the wheel one time and leave 5cm (2 inches).

Now take the right thread (in the last picture) and pas through the upper hole in the tila bead the thread is coming out of. When done it will look like the picture above.

 Thread on 3 seed beads and pull the thread thorough the next tila bead in the upper hole. Do this 6 more times.

Now it should look like this, and the thread is going out of a tila bead.

Thread on 3 seed beads and the ear hook (make shore that it points in the right direction since the sides are slightly different). And then pull the thread back through the last seed bead (skipping the hook).

It should now look like this. Now thread on 2 seed beads and go through the tila bead from right to left so that the hook will be centred over the tila bead.

 This is how it should look like when you finish the step above. Now fasten your thread by going through the the outer circle one time.

Exit the thread as shown in picture and pull the thread through the lower hole in the same tila bead as the thread is exiting.

It's hard to see in the picture but it shows that the thread takes an 180 degree turn in the tila bead. Now pull the thread past some more beads and cut it. Do the same with the other thread to fasten it. If your wheel is not firm pas the thread through more times than I have done.

I hope you will like these as much as I do :) they are so nice, yet so easy and fast to make.

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