
I made this blogg so that more people can find out what a wonderful thing it is to crochet amigurumis. Many patterns out on the internet have huge restrictions or you have to pay for them, even the most easiest ones. Therefore ebbashandiwork was made for you to find patterns that are free, you are allowed to sell the product made by your own hands, but not the pattern itself. All I want in return is that you link to my blogg when you sell the product.

Note that all terminology is American since most visitors on the blogg is from there.

You might think it's odd that I'm writing in English when I'm from Sweden but the reason is that most patterns out there is in English, I'll try to write them in Swedish as well.

Jag skapade denna bloggen för att folk ska kunna testa på hur fantastiskt det är att virka amigrurumis. Många mönster ute på nätet är begränsade eller så måste du betala för dom, även de mest fundamentala. Därför gjorde jag denna bloggen där du finner mönster som du får sälja produkten du gör (med dina egna händer), men inte själva mönstret. Allt jag vill ha i gengäld är att du länkar till min blogg när du säljer produkten.

lördag 22 oktober 2011

broomstick lace bracelet

this bracelet looks more difficult than it really is. I came in contact with this pattern through a Ravelry download pattern named "curry cuff" by Karen Borrel, which is a variation of the pattern a YouTube video shows. The difference between the too patterns is that you only do single crochet in the Ravelry and double crochet in the YouTube. I did the one after the Ravelry variation.

the link to the YouTube video:

Beaded bracelet

This bracelet is made without pattern as a test, but I’ll show you how I did.

Before I started I threaded on beads with colour 4 green (1 read, 9 green)x7 it is always beast to thread on more beads than necessary since you never know what ideas that my come during the work and you can’t put on more beads after you have started.

I chained 55 stitches but make the length after your own wrist, but make sure you do odd numbers.

1: in both ends I made three sc without any beads to make it easier to make some sort of locking device.

2: then I crocheted on 1 bead and did 1 sc, this was repeated until the length was appropriate for my wrist and finished with 3 sc after the last bead. Then one chain stitch and turn the work.  
To crochet on a bead I pushed one bead as close to my work as possible and did a slip stitch this securing the bead. By doing this the bead will appear on the opposite side of the work.

3: one single row of single crochet and end with one chain stitch and turn the work.

4:  I repeated number 2 and 3 two times as to get three rows of beads.

5: crochet one sc in the last stitch and make one more continuing round the work, then I chained 7 stitches (adjust this to your button) and skipped doing one sc, than I continued to do single crochet on the other side, leaving a thread to fasten the button with.

fredag 21 oktober 2011


(they are more whiter than in the photo)

This pattern is a free pattern from which you can sell the product but not the pattern itself. If you sell the product do give me the credit as the maker. I hope you will enjoy the crocheting.  

Yarn: SandnesGarn Lanett 1001
Hook size: 2,5

R1: 6sc in a magic ring
R2: (2in1) x6
R3: (1sc, 2in1) x6
R4: (2sc, 2in1) x6
R5: (3sc, 2in1) x6
R6-r8: sc in 3 rounds
R9: (3sc, 2tog) x6
R10: sc in 1 round
R11: (2sc, 2tog) x6
R12: sc in 1 round
R13: (1sc, 2tog) x6
R14 2tog to you get 6 sc left, and then fasten of the yarn.