I made this blogg so that more people can find out what a wonderful thing it is to crochet amigurumis. Many patterns out on the internet have huge restrictions or you have to pay for them, even the most easiest ones. Therefore ebbashandiwork was made for you to find patterns that are free, you are allowed to sell the product made by your own hands, but not the pattern itself. All I want in return is that you link to my blogg when you sell the product.
Note that all terminology is American since most visitors on the blogg is from there.
You might think it's odd that I'm writing in English when I'm from Sweden but the reason is that most patterns out there is in English, I'll try to write them in Swedish as well.
Jag skapade denna bloggen för att folk ska kunna testa på hur fantastiskt det är att virka amigrurumis. Många mönster ute på nätet är begränsade eller så måste du betala för dom, även de mest fundamentala. Därför gjorde jag denna bloggen där du finner mönster som du får sälja produkten du gör (med dina egna händer), men inte själva mönstret. Allt jag vill ha i gengäld är att du länkar till min blogg när du säljer produkten.
Note that all terminology is American since most visitors on the blogg is from there.
You might think it's odd that I'm writing in English when I'm from Sweden but the reason is that most patterns out there is in English, I'll try to write them in Swedish as well.
Jag skapade denna bloggen för att folk ska kunna testa på hur fantastiskt det är att virka amigrurumis. Många mönster ute på nätet är begränsade eller så måste du betala för dom, även de mest fundamentala. Därför gjorde jag denna bloggen där du finner mönster som du får sälja produkten du gör (med dina egna händer), men inte själva mönstret. Allt jag vill ha i gengäld är att du länkar till min blogg när du säljer produkten.
söndag 28 augusti 2011
Baby shoes
These shoes is from a pattern made by Aisha Kenza. It's a free pattern and the first pattern of baby shoes which I've managed to finish to the end with a good end-result. I found the pattern through Ravelry.com which if you don't know is a site where people intrested in crochet and knitting share patterns or link to where they found it.
Direct link to the pattern on Aisha Kenza's blogg
lördag 27 augusti 2011
Detta mönster är gratis och du får sälja produkten om du gör den för hand, dvs inte massproducerar. Säljande av mönstret är inte tillåtet. Om du önskar att översätta mönstret till ett annat språk så fråga gärna, men detta betyder inte att du får sälja mönstret. Jag skulle vara tacksam om du länkar till min blogg vid säljande på internet så att fler kan få möjlighet till uppleva virkglädje. Om du finner några fel eller något är oklart så kontakta mig gärna, via bloggen eller på ravelry.com där mitt användarnamn är EbbaK.
Storleken på din bakelse kommer att variera beroende på garn typ och virknål. Min kaka blev 5 cm hög och 11 cm i diameter inkluderat ”pappret”.
Mönstret är enkelt och gjort it två delar, det är enkelt att sammanfoga delarna
Garn | SandnesGarn Lanett |
Virknål | 2,5mm |
lm | Luftmaska |
sm | Smygmaska |
fm | Fastmaska |
hst | Halvstolpe |
st | Stolpe |
2i1 | Gör två fm i en fast maska |
()x6 | Upprepa innehållet inom parentesen 6 gånger |
() | Parentesen till höger om instruktionerna anger antalet maskor du har efter varje rad. |
v1 6fm i en magisk ring (6)
v2 (2i1)x6 (12)
v3 (1fm, 2i1)x6 (18)
v4 (2fm, 2i1)x6 (24)
v5 (3fm, 2i1)x6 (30)
v6 (4fm, 2i1)x6 (36)
v7 (5fm, 2i1)x6 (42)
v8 (6fm, 2i1)x6 (48)
v9 (7fm, 2i1)x6 (54)
v10 (6fm, 2i1)x6 (60)
v11-v20 en fm i varje fm 10 varv (60)
Klipp av tråden så att du får tillräckligt med garn till hopsättningen
v1 6fm i en magisk ring (6)
v2 (2i1)x6 (12)
v3 (1fm, 2i1)x6 (18)
v4 (2fm, 2i1)x6 (24)
v5 (3fm, 2i1)x6 (30)
v6 (4fm, 2i1)x6 (36)
v7 (5fm, 2i1)x6 (42)
v8 (6fm, 2i1)x6 (48)
v9 (7fm, 2i1)x6 (54)
v10 (6fm, 2i1)x6 (60)
v11 en fm i varje fm i ett varv (60)
v12 (1 sm, 1fm, ”1hst 1st 1hst”, 1fm, 1sm)x12
”1hst 1st 1hst” är alla virkade i samma fasta maska
tag av garnet och fäst det.
Du har säkert märkt att vi i både överdelen och papper delen har totalt 6o maskor. Detta är medvetet gjort, då vi syr ihop en maska från överdelen med en maska från papper delen. Notera dock att vi i papper delen har två rader med 60 maskor, lämna en av raderna utanför.
Fyll kakan med vadd när hålet börjar bli litet men tänk på att vid för mycket stoppning börjar den att puta utåt nedåt och kan inte stå stadigt.
Earing Loops
I myself do not use this type of earrings but I've seen many girls wearing them, so I made a try. and this was the result
I crocheted around a metal loop which is in itself what you put through the ear.
I crocheted around a metal loop which is in itself what you put through the ear.
Owl by Jenni Schrader
these owls is made by me and are a bit different from the original pattern. The wings are made with wing-pens and the instructions for the feat I didn't really understand so I did my own.
here's the link to the pattern. I found the pattern through Ravelry.com
tisdag 23 augusti 2011
Detta mönstret är gratis och du får sälja produkten. Det är inte okej att sälja mönstret. Är det något oklart i mönstret så kontakta mig gärna.
Mönstret är enkelt. Teknikerna du bör kunna är fasta maskor, ökande, minskande och virka i de bakre maskbågarna. Dessa tekniker kan du lära dig på garnstudio.se där de har väldigt bra instruktionsvideor.
Storleken på min dammsugare är 7,5 cm lång och 3,0 cm i diameter.
Garn | SandnesGarn Lanett |
Virknål | 2,5mm |
fm | Fasta maskor |
2i1 | Gör två fasta maskor i en fast maska |
()x6 | Upprepa innehållet i parentesen sex gånger |
() | Parentesen i det högra hörnet anger antalet fm du har i slutet av varje varv |
v1 6fm i en magisk ring. Börja med brunt garn (6)
v2 (2i1)x6 (12)
v3 (1sc, 2i1)x6 (18)
v4 (2sc, 2i1)x6 (24)
v5 fm i endast de bakre maskbågarna (24)
v6-v8 tre varv med fasta maskor i båda bågarna (24)
I sista fasta maskan byt till grönt garn
v9-v18 fm i 10 varv. I sista maskan byt till brunt garn (24)
v19-v22 fm i fyra varv (24)
v23 (2fm, 2tog)x6 virka i de bakre maskbågarna
Fyll bakelsen med vadd (18)
v24 (1fm, 2tog)x6 (12)
v25 (2tog)x6 fäst garnet (6)
"Vacuum cleaner" cookie
This pattern is a free pattern and you are allowed to sell the product made with it. It is not allowed to sell the pattern in any way. If you wish to translate it into another language please contact me, note that you are not allowed to sell the pattern if you do. If there is something unclear in the pattern you can allways contact me.
This pattern is easy. The techniques you need to master is single crochet (sc), increasing, decreasing and single crochet in the back loops.
The size of my vacuum cleaner is 7,5 cm long and 3,0 cm in diameter.
Yarn | SandnesGarn Lanett |
Hook size | 2,5mm |
sc | single crochet |
2in1 | make two sc in one sc |
()x6 | repeat what's in the brackets six times |
() | Brackets to the right of each row indicate the number of stitches you get |
r1 6sc in a magic ring. Start with brown yarn (6)
r2 (2in1)x6 (12)
r3 (1sc, 2in1)x6 (18)
r4 (2sc, 2in1)x6 (24)
r5 sc in the back loops (24)
r6-r8 three rounds with sc in every sc in both loops. (24)
In last sc change colour to green.
r9-r18 sc in every sc. In last sc change colour to brown (24)
r19-r22 sc in every sc. (24)
r23 (2sc, 2tog)x6 crochet in the back loops (18)
Stuff the cookie
r24 (1sc, 2tog)x6 (12)
r25 (2tog)x6 fasten of (6)
lördag 20 augusti 2011
My first market
Tomorrow I will sell crocheted items at my first market, I'm very nervous. The most nervous part is that I don't really know how much I can ask for since it's a second hand marked and so people come with the attitude of making a bargain.
torsdag 18 augusti 2011
This pattern is a free pattern and you are allowed to sell the product made with it. It is not allowed to sell the pattern in any way. If you wish to translate it into another language please contact me, note that you are not allowed to sell the pattern if you do. If there is something unclear in the pattern you can contact me at ravelry.com my user name is EbbaK or at my e-mail ebba.klemedtsson@yahoo.se
This pattern is easy, but not for the beginner since you have to know how to swap yarns.
The size of your apple will reflect your type of yarn and hook size.
As in my pear pattern I start with brown yarn, to see how I make it pull inwards se the pear pattern at my blogg http://ebbashandiwork.blogspot.com/.
Yarn | SandnesGarn Lanett |
Hook size | 2,5mm |
ch | chain stich |
sc | single crochet |
2in1 | make two sc in one sc |
()x6 | repeat what's in the brackets six times |
() | Brackets to the right of each row indicate the number of stitches you get |
r1 6sc in a magic ring Use brown yarn and in the last sc change to red yarn(6)
r2 (2in1)x6 (12)
r3 (1sc, 2in1)x6 (18)
r4 (2sc, 2in1)x6 (24)
r5 (3sc, 2in1)x6 (30)
r6 (4sc, 2in1)x6 (36)
r7-r13 sc in every sc for 7 rounds (36)
r14 (5sc, 2in1)x6 (42)
r15 sc in every sc (42)
r16 (6sc, 2in1)x6 (48)
r17-r19 sc in every sc for 3 rounds (48)
r20 (6sc, 2tog)x6 (42)
r21 (5sc, 2tog)x6 (36)
r22 (4sc, 2tog)x6 (30)
r23 (3sc, 2tog)x6 start to fill the apple (24)
r24 (2sc, 2tog)x6 (18)
r25 (1sc, 2tog)x6 in the last sc change to brown yarn (12)
r26 (2tog)x8 , then do 5 chain stitches and 4sc, starting in the second loop from (4) the needle. Fasten of
To make the bottom part bulge even more inwards I thread yarn through the middle of the apple down trough the bottom and up two times.
"Lussekatt" Lucia saffron bun
this pattern is extreamly easy
Sc | Single crochet |
2in1 | Two sc in one sc |
2tog | Jump one sc and do a sc in the next one this reduces |
Saffron bun
r1 6sc in a magic ring
r2 (1sc, 2in1)x6
r3- sc in every sc to the length you wish then do the r1 and r2 in the oposit order.
Stuff it as you go along, but not to much since the bending will put a strain on your stitches so that your filling will show.
r1 6sc in a magic ring
r2-r3 sc in every sc
r4 (2tog)x6 fasten of
tisdag 16 augusti 2011
Princess cake
This pattern is a free pattern and you are allowed to sell the product made with it. It is not allowed to sell the pattern in any way. If you wish to translate it into another language please contact me, note that you are not allowed to sell the pattern if you do. If there is something unclear in the pattern you can contact me at ravelry.com my user name is EbbaK or at my e-mail ebba.klemedtsson@yahoo.se
The size of your pear will reflect your type of yarn and hook size. My princess cake is 5 cm high and 11 cm wide (including the ”paper”)
This pattern is easy and the princess cake is made in 2 pieces, easily assebled
Yarn | SandnesGarn Lanett |
Hook size | 2,5mm |
ch | chain stich |
sl st | Slip stitch |
sc | single crochet |
hdc | Halv double crochet |
dc | Double crochet |
2in1 | make two sc in one sc |
()x6 | repeat what's in the brackets six times |
() | Brackets to the right of each row indicate the number of stitches you get |
The cake part
r1 6sc in a magic ring (6)
r2 (2in1)x6 (12)
r3 (1sc, 2in1)x6 (18)
r4 (2sc, 2in1)x6 (24)
r5 (3sc, 2in1)x6 (30)
r6 (4sc, 2in1)x6 (36)
r7 (5sc, 2in1)x6 (42)
r8 (6sc, 2in1)x6 (48)
r9 (7sc, 2in1)x6 (54)
r10 (6sc, 2in1)x6 (60)
r11-v20 sc in every sc for 10 rounds (60)
fasten of and leave a string of yarn to assemblage
The ”paper” part
r1 6sc in a magic ring (6)
r2 (2in1)x6 (12)
r3 (1sc, 2in1)x6 (18)
r4 (2sc, 2in1)x6 (24)
r5 (3sc, 2in1)x6 (30)
r6 (4sc, 2in1)x6 (36)
r7 (5sc, 2in1)x6 (42)
r8 (6sc, 2in1)x6 (48)
r9 (7sc, 2in1)x6 (54)
r10 (6sc, 2in1)x6 (60)
r11 sc in each sc for one round (60)
r12 (1 sl st, 1sc, 1hdc 1dc 1hdc, 1sc, 1sl st)x12
the ”1hdc 1dc 1hdc” part in r12 is all crocheted in the same sc.
Fasten of and secure the yarn end.
You might have noticed that in each part we end up with 60 stitches, this is because I put one sc in the cake part to one sc in the ”paper” part, and sew this together with the green yarn left after fastening of the cake part. Note that you have to rounds of 60 stitches in the ”paper” part, assembly so that one of these rounds is on the outside.
Start to stuff it when you have a small gap left, but not to much since it will otherwise bulge out underneath.
måndag 15 augusti 2011
This pattern is a free pattern and you are allowed to sell the product made with it. It is not allowed to sell the pattern in any way. If you wish to translate it into another language please contact me, note that you are not allowed to sell the pattern if you do. If there is something uncear in the pattern feel free to contact me.
The size of your pear will reflect your type of yarn and hook size. My pear is 8,5 cm high and 5,5 cm wide at its widest part.
The pear is made in one piece and easy to make.
Yarn | SandnesGarn Lanett |
Hook size | 2,5mm |
ch | chain stich |
sc | single crochet |
2in1 | make two sc in one sc |
2tog | jump one sc and make a sc in the next one, this reduces |
()x6 | repeat whats in the braccets six times |
The braccets in the right hand corner is the total number of stiches you should get at any round.
Brown yarn
v1 make a magic ring and make 6sc in it, in the last sc change to green yarn (6)
Green yarn
v2 (2in1)x6 (12)
v3 (1sc, 2in1)x6 (18)
v4 (2sc, 2in1)x6 (24)
v5 (3sc, 2in1)x6 (30)
v6 (4sc, 2in1)x6 (36)
v7 (5sc, 2in1)x6 (42)
v8 (6sc, 2in1)x6 (48)

secure the brown yarn in the brown stiches by wheving it trough
many times on the back side this makes the brown bit tugg into
the pear. Secure the green yarn also.
v9-v15 sc in every sc, for 7 rounds (48)v16 (6sc, 2tog)x6 (42)
v17 sc in every sc (42)
v18 (5sc, 2tog)x6 (36)
v19 sc in every sc (36)
v20 (4sc, 2tog)x6 (30)
v21-v25 sc in every sc, for 5 rounds (30)
v26 (3sc, 2tog)x6 (24)
v27-v29 sc in every sc, for 3 rounds (24)
stuff it firmly
v30 (2sc, 2tog)x6 (18)
v31 (1sc, 2tog)x6, in the last sc change to brown yarn (12)
Brown yarn
v32 (2tog)x6 (6)
v33 1sc, 2tog, 1sc, 2 tog, now make 5ch and make sc in every ch stich starting in the second one from the hook. Cut of yarn and fasten it.
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